Tags Posts tagged with "fuel economy"

Tag: fuel economy

Soon to fall into the hands of the European public will be Ford's most fuel-efficient car to date. With up to a projected 86 mpg,...

It may have taken a few decades but in one single model year, Kia Motors became the fastest and largest gaining automaker in the U.S. in...

Despite the rollercoaster ride of drama that has engulfed Toyota Motor Company in past few years, they are still managing to gather up numerous...

To increase efficiency and thus fuel economy, manufactures have been employing some rather innovative pieces of technology. Various powertrain enhancements can only go so...

In Europe, Volvo has had great success with their diesel technology and low emissions. Included with those low C02 levels have always been high economy...

Every auto manufacture and their brother are currently scrambling to up their fuel economy averages. This means that new technologies are being utilized almost weekly and...

The Car Care Council has named October the "Fall Car Care Month", which harps on the importance of basic and routine maintenance. Subaru of...

John and Helen Taylor are an Australian couple. They recently spent 23 days driving a Chevrolet Cruze Eco across 9,552 miles in a trip sponsored by...

Starting in early September of this year, Volvo cars will make the fuel-saving start/stop feature available on vehicles using the six speed automatic and...

In previous editions of Forum Friday, we have discussed fuel saving tips such as a change in driving habits, but mechanically altering a vehicle's...