The world of affordable sports cars has been barren for decades. Buyers looking for a fun, simple RWD sports car were essentially forced to...

The Subaru XV Crosstrek is the newest nameplate for the long-time Japanese brand. This particular machine has only existed since 2013, but that hasn’t...

The Subaru Forester has long been the preferred machine for outdoor enthusiasts that love camping, dogs, and eating granola. Jokes aside, the Frontier has...

During the economic meltdown and following automotive sales collapse of 2009, every major car company with cars for sale in the US saw losses. Even the mighty Toyota was hit...

Recently we have reviewed the all-new 2012 Subaru Impreza, and the 2012 Fiat 500c. Both cars are designed for very different purposes and very...

Review: 2013 Subaru XV Crosstrek Building a better Impreza With the introduction of the new Impreza, Subaru has killed off the small and rugged Outback Sport,...

In the late 1980s, a little Japanese manufacture previously known only for unorthodox economy cars did something even more unorthodox.  It was then when Subaru...