Buying a new car, no matter what the make, is an undertaking within itself. Simply getting the straight facts and figures can be difficult, especially if at a dealership. Porsche understands that there are many consumers who simply just want the numbers on a vehicle instead of listening to a sale pitch so they have made a mobile device application to help out. Now available at Porsche Cars North American dealers is the “Silent Seller” mobile tag program.
“Porsche customers enjoy both performance and technology and are using their mobile devices to help make vehicle purchasing decisions,” said Michael Bartsch, chief operating officer of Porsche Cars North America. The first program of its kind for a luxury automobile brand, the “Silent Seller” uses smartphone tag readers to offer an in-depth, interactive product application. Once the mobile tag located on a vehicle’s dealer sheet is scanned, a website on the phone’s browser opens and allows buyers to explore specific product information, specs, reviews and even engine notes. The application also gives consumers the ability to provide contact information for a sales follow-up.