Since the fully electric, zero-emissions Nissan LEAF is now global, special attention is being put on those drivers in London England. Electric vehicles are rather popular on the city streets of London, so a network of charging stations has been developed and named Source London. Nissan has gotten together with London Mayor Borris Johnson to offer a special incentive to LEAF owners. If a buyer of the a LEAF lives within 40 miles of a Source London charging station, they will receive a free 12-month subscription to use the station however they please.

“I want to rapidly accelerate the uptake of electric vehicles and make London the epicentre of electric driving in Europe,” said Mayor Johnson. As of now, there are already 150 charging stations across the capital of London, but there are hopes to have 1,300 charging points by 2013. To help increase the sales of the LEAF and therefore electric vehicles all together, the normal £100 fee to join Source London will be waived by city government and Nissan to new qualified buyers. This is in addition to savings that a LEAF owner will already be receiving due to not having to pay road tax or London congestion charges.

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