Pedal misapplication has been on the tongue of many people these last few years, with unintended acceleration cases and multiple wrecks being linked to this. Nissan is now doing its part to prevent such mishaps and has created an “Emergency assist for pedal misapplication (with Carpark Detection Function).”

The system is designed using the multiple camera and ultrasonic sensors fitted to a car. It will use these systems to “see where a car is, and what its surroundings are. If the systems thinks the car is a parking lot, or in a parking space and the driver presses the wrong pedal., it will control throttle and automatically apply the brakes if necessary to prevent a collision.

The system is going to first debut on the JDM Elgrand, and will likely filter throughout the lineup if found to be successful. We appreciate companies creating new technologies to keep us all safer, but we just really wish people would learn how to drive, and prevent the need for this type of tech to begin with.

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