Nissan today broke ground on the project that brings Nissan LEAF production to the United States. The groundbreaking ceremony marks the start of construction...

The Juke R is one of the greatest creations in the automotive world. Some crazy engineers from Nissan took the powertrain of the GT-R...

Nissan North America, Inc. celebrates the opening of its new Livermore Training Center, located about 45 miles east of San Francisco. The Training Center...

In Japan, the light duty, commercial truck business is growing and in order to stay afloat, two heavy-hitting companies are looking to join forces.  With a...

Hourly Nissan employees will be getting a raise later this year for the first time since 2006. The news comes in the midst of...

The latest milestone of the five-year strategic alliance of Renault-Nissan and Daimler (Mercedes-Benz) is getting ready to come to fruition in the form of...

Nissan already has a history of performance crossovers with things like the Juke Nismo and Juke R, but the company is pushing the idea...

Nissan spends a lot of time and money helping with various charity causes around the world, and the company has just announced that they...

Forty years ago, the Datsun 240Z arrived in North America and changed the sports car landscape forever. That same year Peter Brock’s Southern California-based...

In the 17 years since the Nissan Altima made its debut in the heart of the Nissan sedan lineup, the vehicle has grown substantially...