Benjamin Franklin once said that the only things certain in life are death and taxes. Had he been born a couple centuries later, he...

An auction for 57 special car registration plates fetched some 9.8 million dollars Friday, with the double-digit plate 50 G being sold for some...

Automakers suffered more steep falls in the US market in April as a weak economy prompted consumers to put off purchases, especially of fuel-thirsty...

Despite daily headlines bemoaning record gas prices, the U.S. is actually one of the cheaper places to fill up in the world. Out of 155...

The world's top car-makers descended on China in force Sunday for...

The driver of the bus carrying the Garfield High School girls softball team that hit a brick and concrete footbridge was using a GPS...

A fire blazing in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park was started by a motorcycle crash. National Park Service spokesman Bob Miller said the fire...

The nation's passenger cars and light trucks may have to average 75 miles per gallon by the 2030s, a top federal environmental official said...

Workers at French-owned Romanian car plant Dacia called off a strike...

US hedge fund Appaloosa Management and its financial allies have dropped a plan to invest 2.55 billion dollars in Delphi Corp., which could have...