Mad Max as a character is a person who is never that motivated or active. He is a passive hero that finds things happening...

Forza Motorsport 6 is easily one of my most anticipated games of 2015, and not just because I always want more racing games for...

Las Vegas: News Over Wireless (NOW) and Beat The Traffic announce a breakthrough partnership to deliver premium vehicle traffic information content on the iPhone...

Satellite radio operators Sirius and XM are expected to announce their long-awaited merger today, according to a source familiar with the deal. The two sides...

Sony is returning to the installed in-vehicle navigation market in partnership with TomTom. TomTom's navigation technologies and maps will appear in two Sony in-dash A/V-navigation...

The British are Coming! That is the cry of this week’s Forza Garage car update for Forza Motorsport 6. This week’s collection of cars...

If you want a high-quality force feedback racing wheel that works for the Xbox One, you don’t have a lot of choices. There is...

The Internet is rippling with reports from some iPhone buyers that...

Keyless entry systems are becoming much more common. The idea that all you need is a key fob in your pocket to open your doors and start your...

Escort's Passport 9500i has revolutionized the radar detector category. It's blistering performance is derived from the world's best Passport 8500 X50, which means it...