GM’s Fairfax Assembly and Stamping plant in Kansas has won itself some recognition for efforts to cut pollution. The factory, which is responsible for building the Lacrosse and Malibu, has been awarded a 2012 Pollution Prevention Award by the Kansas Department of Heath and Environment. The plant was chosen for its constant and continual efforts to reduce waste and energy consumption.

“Our facility is dedicated to going above and beyond compliance with environmental laws to ensure we adhere to responsible environmental business practices,” said Megan McCutcheon, environmental engineer at the plant. “At Fairfax Assembly, we consider environmental impact throughout all aspects of our business operations and manufacturing.”

Replacing lights with energy-efficient fixtures and maintaining a better control on the HVAC systems of the factory are some of the ways Fairfax is maintaining its environmental promises. Last year alone, the factory was able to reduce its annual CO2 emissions by more than 20,000 tons, and minimized its landfill waste to a minimal 9-percent with the other 91-percent of waste being converted , reused or recycled.

“The GM Fairfax Assembly & Stamping Plant and all our Kansas Pollution Prevention award winners are working to reduce energy usage and waste to continue to improve their communities and places of work,” said John Mitchell, director, KDHE Division of Environment.

Well we say that more automakers doing what they can to reduce waste and energy consumption is always a good thing.

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