Understanding US car buyers


Hi friends

I am doing a research on automobile buyers around the world. My current focus is on the US market.

I would like to know more about the customers of below automobile companies i.e. their lifestyles and attitudes.

1. BMW
2. Subaru
3. Mercury
4. Honda
5. Chevrolet
6. VW
7. Dodge Ram

You may either write your views or suggest relevant docs for reference.


May be my question is very confusing . So let me elucidate it better!

My research is focused on understanding the lifestyles and attitudes of US car buyers. My preliminary findings found that there are some 6-7 'types' of car brands in US. These car brands cater to different customer segments. Now I want help in defining these customer segments in terms of their habits, attitudes, lifestyles (such as what brands to they drink, where do they eat from regularly etc.).

I will write below the 'types' of car brands I identified:
1. BMW
2. Subaru
3. Mercury
4. Honda
5. Chevrolet
6. VW
7. Dodge Ram

So please pour in your ideas and opinions. It will go a long way in helping me gather insights about US car culture.