Check your brakes for the holiday season


As the holiday season approaches the out-of-town trips to visit family and friends begin to be arranged. With a majority of Americans taking to the streets for the annual holiday travel it is important to be prepared. One of the most over looked and neglected factors of holiday travel is the family car you will be driving in. Throughout the year, wear and tear wreak havoc on automobiles including trucks and SUVs. Before you set out on the open road with your precious cargo, it is important to have your car inspected and checked by a fleet service repair center that specializes in automobile care.

When it comes to automobiles, one of the most important factors to check prior to a road trip is your car’s brakes. Over the years brakes and brake pads wear down. Think of brakes and their pads as a pair of tennis shoes. Once your shoes are laced up and you are running, the soles of your shoes begin to wear and become less supportive with every additional mile you run. Once you have worn your soles down and your tennis shoes begin to show obvious signs of wear (like holes) it would be time to upgrade to a new pair of shoes. This typically happens every 6-8 months. Like tennis shoes, brakes and brake pads must be replaced to provide the ultimate support for you and your car.

Over time automobile brakes become faulty for a variety of reasons. Whether they are damaged or worn, it is important to take action when the first sign of a problem presents itself. Faulty brakes make it hard for the drive to stop which increases the likelihood of an accident. Some of the most common signs indicating that you have a brake problem on your hands include: a brake pedal that is hard and will not let push down, a squealing, squeaking or grinding noise sounding from your brakes, your car veering from side to side when you are driving, or a vibrating and pulsing feeling coming from your brake when it is functioning. Another tell-tale sign of an impending brake problem is a pungent odor that appears to come from the tires. The smell typically resembles the odor of burning rubber.

When you notice these signs it is important to address these problems as soon as possible. Waiting to fix the problem will only lead to other parts of your car wearing out which result in costlier repairs will further down the road. Not taking immediate action can lead to rotor and caliper problems down the road.

One way to ensure that your brakes are ready for the long drive you and your family have ahead of you is by scheduling annual appointments with a trusted auto repair center to inspect your brakes. These inspections are quick tests that professionals do to ensure that everything under the hood of your car is functioning properly. Annual inspections offer a clearer picture on the current condition of your car’s brakes and other auto parts.

Before you set out on the road, take your car to a trusted repair center, like B&B Automobile, to ensure that your car is in tip-top shape for the long haul. After all, the last thing you want to do on your way to your grandparent’s house is break down.

If you are looking for specialized automobile services for Brake Repair in Bryan-College Station then contact B&B Automotive today at 979-775-3413. B&B Automotive has proudly been serving the Brazos Valley since 1986.