The union establishment that protects the workers for numerous American automotive facilities, the United Auto Workers (UAW), recently began negotiations with Ford Motor Company. Ford and the UAW have worked together for years but have had a somewhat rocky past as of late. The ‘old way’ of doing business, as John Fleming, executive vice president, Global Manufacturing and Labor Affairs for Ford put it, would put a damper on Ford’s increasing momentum. For this reason and in order to not repeat some bad history, Ford will be reworking their partnership with the UAW.

Read Fleming’s statement regarding the beginnings of the UAW-Ford negotiations below.


“Today, we officially opened our 27th round of bargaining with the United Auto Workers. We also are reflecting upon our proud 70 year history of working together – a history of working with mutual trust and respect to effectively address difficult business challenges. We are committed to negotiating this year with the same transparency and honesty we always have upheld.

Although the fundamentals of our business have been steadily improving, it is more important than ever that we continue to look to the future, and not to the past. We simply cannot go back to the old way of doing business, which would threaten our momentum and hurt our ability to bring new investment and jobs into our U.S. plants. We can and will protect and grow jobs if we can compete effectively with other automakers in this country, as well as across the globe.
All of us at Ford look forward to our upcoming discussions with the UAW when we will have the opportunity to make some important decisions together that will help to create a stronger, more competitive, world-class company, which will benefit us all.”
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